Tuesday, June 10, 2008

49. (2/3) la tarte au sucre et la bière aux bluets. I looove tarte au sucre. I don't even want to know what's in it because I'm certain the filling is just sugar, maple syrup, and other stuff that's devoid of any nutritional value. The blueberry beer was not that good; as far as flavoured beer goes, I think I'll stick with Strongbow.

93. Since I couldn't get much sleep on the bus ride to Montreal, I was awake around the time of the first light of the day. It was quite a sight, and a novel feeling to be awake when it's so calm out and the day is just starting, but I was also super cranky that everybody else in the world must have been more rested than I was. Hence I really don't have much intention of ever actually being up all night and watching the sun slowly creep over the horizon, so I think that'll do it for me.

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