Saturday, February 23, 2008

3. Creekside has started an unofficial one-year Bible Challenge. I printed out the reading schedule with no intention to actually finish reading the Bible in one year, but at least I can check off what passages I've read over time, so I can make sure I've covered all parts of the Bible, at some point. Right now I am working on reading through all the Psalms, which is very long, but not very daunting in the way of understanding theology or anything. I am also concurrently reading Matthew, a book I always start reading, and then stop by about Chapter 8, and then start from the beginning again. This time I hope to actually get to the end.

47. I made a batch of butter & jam thumbprint cookies. Aesthetically they don't really make the cut... some of the cookies fell apart in the oven, causing the jam to spill everywhere and melt in a pool around the dough. But they are still edible and quite tasty. This is probably the most creative cookie recipe I've ever tried; I usually just make sugar or chocolate chip cookies. So on the whole I am pleased with my efforts. Maybe I'll need to refine my craftsmanship before I try to make it for people though...

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