Wednesday, September 3, 2008

17. Azerbaijan. Capital: Baku. Language: Azerbaijani. Religion: 93.4-96% Muslim (85% Shia, 15% Sunni). Tidbit: Two thirds of Azerbaijan is rich in oil and natural gas. map_of_azerbaijan.jpg
27. I re-learned how to use the sewing machine earlier this summer and practiced by sewing Capstones' jersey patches and fixing up the banner. It'll take awhile longer before I can sew in a straight line though.

28. While eating at Popeyes's downtown, my friend and I were approached by a homeless deaf man who first wanted change, but then pointed to his stomach and at our food. So I gave him our mashed potatoes, and he was really polite about it. He went away to eat it and then came back to give a wave of thanks. This wasn't what I had in mind when I wrote this item though, but its a good start.

69. I bought a new sketchbook and canvasses yesterday, and I want to have a concept done before the term's out.

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